23 August 2010

Celine the TriLady

Celine responded to my adv and she started her training with me 1-1 somewhere in August 2010 as she could only swim the freestyle for abt 10 meters. Bad news is that I got no short cut for her so...
1st 4 weeks was hard work drills after drills and by the 6 Lessons she was able to swim 4laps with a few second of rest
She is camera shy as you can tell...lol
Her graduation came after 8weeks of hard work and she was able to swim abt 14-20laps with few seconds of rest in between.
This IronLady completed her first Maiden Olympic Distance triathlon organized by HP in October 2010 ..Well done Celine
She told me if time permits, she would like to come back next year to learn the Butterfly...When the going gets tough, the tough goes swimming :)